Healthy sheep are profitable sheep – that’s why when it comes to worm control you need to be confident that the drenches you use deliver powerful efficacy.
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ZOLVIX™ PLUS Broad Spectrum Oral Anthelmintic for Sheep
ZolvixTM Plus contains two active ingredients whose different modes of action and synergistic activity provide highly effective broad spectrum control of roundworm parasites. Zolvix Plus controls worms that are resistant to macrocyclin lactones(i.e. ML or ‘mectin’ drenches, including moxidectin), benzimidazoles (i.e.’white’drenches), imidazothiazoles (i.e. ‘clear’ drenches, including levamisole and morantel) and salicylanilide (e.g. closantel).
Used as a knockout, exit or quarantine drench in drench programs, Zolvix Plus provides premium parasite control and helps to protect the efficacy of other effective drenches. 1 Reference: 1. Leathwick et al.(2009) Managing anthelmintic resistance: Modelling strategic use of a new anthelmintic class to slow the development of resistance to existing classes. NZVJ 57(4) 181 – 192