Pestene Powder – for the treatment of mites, lice and fleas on birds, dogs, cats and horses.
Composition: Sulfur 50 g/kg, rotenone 10 g/kg.
Indications:Lice, mites and fleas in poultry, dogs, cats, horses, calves and goats.
Precautions Safety directions: Skin irritation may develop if contact is prolonged. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Wash contaminated clothing after use.
First aid. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126. If swallowed, give 2 glasses of water. If eye contact occurs, hold eyes open and flood with water for at least 15 minutes. If inhaled remove from contaminated area and seek medical advice.
Withholding Periods: Meat. Poultry: 1 day. Eggs. Nil.
Directions for use: Apply weekly to animals, bedding and environment. Sprinkle liberally through coat or feathers and work into skin.
Presentation:Powder: 500 g.