For the control of a range of environmental and noxious woody & herbaceous weeds as specified in the Instruction Booklet.
- African boxthorn
- Angophora spp.
- Australian blackthorn (Apply from late spring to early autumn)
- Banksia spp.
- Biddy bush (Chinese shrub), (sifton bush)
- Blackberry with association with: Docks, Ragwort, Smartweed, Thistles
- Blue heliothrope
- Horehoiund
- Japanese Sunflower
- Lantana (Lantana camara), (Lantana montevidensis)
- Lion’s tail
- Limebush
- Manuka
- Mesquite I(Prosopis spp.)
- Milfoil (Yarrow)
- Mistlflower
- Mother-of-millions
- Paddy’s lucerne
- Parkinsonia
- Paterson’s curse
- Prickly pear (common), Smooth tree pear
- Rubber vine (Not infected with rust)
- Siam weed
- Sicklepod
- Spear thistle
- St John’ wort
- Sweet briar
- Tobacco weed
- Tropical soda apple
- Wattle (Acacia spp.) (except wormwood wattle)
- Wild Rosemary (Cassinia laevis)
- Wild tobacco tree
- Blackberry
- Gorse
- Cockspur thorn, Crofton weed, Lantana, Mistlflower
- Rubber vine (Not infected with rust)
- St John’s wort
- Parkinsonia Seeding
- Camphor Laurel
- Eucalyptus species
- Flax-leaf Fleabane (Conyza bonariensis)
- Camel melon, Prickly paddy melon, Cucumber melon (cucumis melo)
- Common sowthistle
- Cow vine
- Lucerne (established)
- Polymeria pusilla
- Bitterbark (Alstonia constricta)
For growth stages and situations of use, please refer to the Instruction Booklet.